PWR Explorer

Explore detailed blockchain data and metrics with PWR Explorer, a comprehensive blockchain explorer designed for transparency and ease of use.
October 12, 2023
Lead Web Developer
Check Website
Objective 1
Enhance User Interface
Objective 2
Streamline API Integration
Objective 3
Optimize Layout Design & Responsiveness

Objective: To develop a responsive and intuitive front-end for the PWR Explorer, enhancing transparency and user engagement within the PWR Chain infrastructure.


  • Real-time visual representation of transactions and interactions.
  • Advanced search filters.
  • Detailed transaction views.
  • Interactive blockchain analytics.
  • Responsive design across various devices and platforms.
  • Admin page for managing and monitoring the explorer.

Collaboration: Worked closely with the back-end team to integrate APIs effectively, ensuring accurate real-time data display from the PWR Chain's base layer.

Responsibilities: Designed and implemented a user-friendly interface, maintained responsiveness, developed an admin page, and added features to enhance utility and user engagement.

Timeline: The project was completed within the designated timeline, with ongoing improvements based on user feedback and requirements.

The project underscored skills in UI/UX design and effective teamwork, driving the development of innovative solutions to bolster the PWR Chain infrastructure.

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